Интерфейс BodyTag расширяет IterationTag путём определения дополнительных
методов, которые дают возможность обработчику тэга манипулировать содержимым,
обсчитывая/вычисляя его тело.
Закрывает поток, сначала очистив его. Этот метод не должен вызываться явно
для начального JspWriter, так как код, генерируемый JSP-контейнером,
автоматически содержит вызов close().
статическая переменная класса javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext
Имя используется для хранения ServletConfig в таблице имён PageContext'а.
Вызывается, если Throwable возникает в процессе вычисления BODY внутри тэга или
одного из следующих методов:
Tag.doStartTag(), Tag.doEndTag(),
IterationTag.doAfterBody() и BodyTag.doInitBody().
Ищет именованный атрибут в странице, запросе/request, сессии/session (если
верна) и области(-ях) видимости приложения, в указанном порядке, и возвращает
ассоциированное значение или
- получает экземпляр зависящего от реализации абстрактного класса
javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext для вызова Servlet и текущих посылок запроса/request
и ответа/ response.
This method is intended to process an unhandled "page" level exception
by redirecting the exception to either the specified error page for this
JSP, or if none was specified, to perform some implementation dependent
The initialize method is called to initialize an uninitialized PageContext
so that it may be used by a JSP Implementation class to service an
incoming request and response within it's _jspService() method.
The javax.servlet.jsp package contains a number of classes and
interfaces that describe and define the contracts between a JSP page
implementation class and the runtime environment provided for an
instance of such a class by a conforming JSP container.
Constructs a new JSP exception when the JSP
needs to throw an exception and include a message
about the "root cause" exception that interfered with its
normal operation, including a description message.
Constructs a new JSP exception when the JSP
needs to throw an exception and include a message
about the "root cause" exception that interfered with its
normal operation.
The JspFactory is an abstract class that defines a number of factory
methods available to a JSP page at runtime for the purposes of creating
instances of various interfaces and classes used to support the JSP
The JspPage interface describes the generic interaction that a JSP Page
Implementation class must satisfy; pages that use the HTTP protocol
are described by the HttpJspPage interface.
The actions and template data in a JSP page is written using the
JspWriter object that is referenced by the implicit variable out which
is initialized automatically using methods in the PageContext object.
Page scope: (this is the default) the named reference remains available
in this PageContext until the return from the current Servlet.service()
A PageContext instance provides access to all the namespaces associated
with a JSP page, provides access to several page attributes, as well as
a layer above the implementation details.
Return the previous JspWriter "out" saved by the matching
pushBody(), and update the value of the "out" attribute in
the page scope attribute namespace of the PageConxtext
Return a new BodyContent object, save the current "out" JspWriter,
and update the value of the "out" attribute in the page scope
attribute namespace of the PageContext
This method shall "reset" the internal state of a PageContext, releasing
all internal references, and preparing the PageContext for potential
reuse by a later invocation of initialize().
Distinguished value for an attribute to indicate its value
is a request-time expression (which is not yet available because
TagData instances are used at translation-time).
Session scope (only valid if this page participates in a session):
the named reference remains available from the HttpSession (if any)
associated with the Servlet until the HttpSession is invalidated.
Tag information for a tag in a Tag Library;
This class is instantiated from the Tag Library Descriptor file (TLD)
and is available only at translation time.
Variable information for a tag in a Tag Library;
This class is instantiated from the Tag Library Descriptor file (TLD)
and is available only at translation time.